Greenville, SC
Greenville, SC

Effectiveness can be defined as getting what you want and getting it over and over again. To do this, we all need to be aware of the playing field and the constants we must recognize, honor, and embrace.

There are three constants in life: principles, change, and choice.

First let’s look at principles. These are natural laws with predictable consequences such as gravity, time and the seasons. There are also social principles. The key to principles is that while we control our choices, the principles determine the outcome. For example, if you choose to jump off a building, gravity determines the outcome. Principles are impersonal, objective, external to ourselves, and act with or without us being aware of them. The key is to know what is at work and use to it to get what you want. There are no short cuts.

The second constant is change. In his book, “Grow or Die,” George Ainsworth Land concludes that those that survive -- individuals, species, civilizations, products, businesses, or industries -- are the ones that adapt. They recognize something external to them has changed and they swim with the current to transform If you choose to ignore the change, then eventually you die – just ask Eastman Kodak and General Motors.

The third constant is choice: we are not born winners; we are not born losers, we are born choosers – the greatest gift humans have in this life. This gift allows us to achieve our vision, determine our destiny, and lead a happy, productive life. There is a catch: with this choice comes responsibility and, yes, sometimes great success, but also sometimes great failure. Once you accept ownership for your choices, you will no longer be a victim nor be constrained by the weaknesses of other people.

Leadership, from Latin, means journey. I define it as the ability to influence others to willingly accomplish the path ahead. Recognize and embrace the three constants knowing there are challenges. Use them to guide and navigate life. When you come up short, reflect back on the constants – there is your answer.